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LOCKSS Community Call: PASIG Recap

LOCKSS Program

Event Details:

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
9:00am - 10:00am PST



Thib Guicherd-Callin
Julian Morley
Art Pasquinelli


PASIG 2019 Conference Logo

The Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) is having its next conference February 12-14 in Mexico City. Preservation experts and practitioners worldwide will attend the event at El Colegio de México. There will also be a February 11 workshop on LOCKSS prior to the formal meeting. Thib Guicherd-Callin, LOCKSS Technical Manager, and Julian Morley, Technology Infrastructure Manager for the Stanford Digital Repository, will be presenting at the conference.

Thib, Julian, and Art Pasquinelli, LOCKSS Partnerships Manager will review what they learned at the PASIG conference. Areas they will cover include:

  • The Preservation Landscape — changes, trends, community developments, PASIG directions;
  • Infrastructure Trends — cloud, storage, repository advancements, interesting projects; and
  • LOCKSS Positioning — feedback and input on directions, interesting technical discussions.

This call will be very open and fluid. We hope to have a lot of Q&A. Other PASIG attendees who would like to offer their thoughts are welcome to do so during the hour.


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