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Diverse communities use LOCKSS networks to preserve all types of digital content.

Alabama Digital Preservation Network logo

Alabama Digital Preservation Network (ADPNet)

ADPNet is a distributed digital preservation network for locally created digital content. It represents a low-cost digital preservation solution for academic institutions, state agencies, and cultural heritage organizations in Alabama.

Logo of the CLOCKSS Archive, consisting of an analog clock design showing approximately 10:10 o'clock and an infinity sign where the 3 should be, next to the work mark "CLOCKSS"


A community-led collaboration of academic publishers and research libraries around the world, working together to ensure the long-term survival of our shared intellectual heritage.

Global LOCKSS Network logo

Global LOCKSS Network (GLN)

Local custody of electronic journals and books for post-cancellation access, post-disappearance access, and failover access, at 80 libraries and counting.

Michigan Digital Preservation Network (MDPN)

A member-governed, collaborative organization dedicated to preserving Michigan’s digital cultural heritage materials and leveraging our shared resources to make digital preservation accessible to all institutions.

Public Knowledge Project logo

Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network (PKP PN)

PKP has developed the PKP PN to digitally preserve OJS journals. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service can be preserved for long-term access. It allows OJS journal managers to register their journals for inclusion in the PKP PN by simply enabling a plugin in their OJS instance and agreeing to the terms of the Preservation Agreement.

SAFE Archive FEderation logo

SAFE Archive Federation Private LOCKSS Network (SAFE PLN)

The SAFE PLN is an international distributed preservation network based on LOCKSS technology, preserving Masters and PhD theses, academic publications and research data from 7 institutions.

GovInfo logo


The USDocs LOCKSS network replicates key aspects of the United States Federal Depository Library Program. The content is held in geographically-distributed sites and replicated many times. Citizens have oversight and responsibility for the long-term care and maintenance of the content. For all documents, preservation in a tamper-evident environment where any alteration of the content (either deliberate or accidental) is detected and repaired is important, but for government documents, this is essential.

Canadian Government Information Digital Preservation Network (CGI-DPN)

The mission of the CGI-DPN is to preserve digital collections of government information. Digital preservation, for purposes of this policy, means ensuring the long-term viability of digital materials through geographically dispersed servers, protective measures against data loss, and forward format migration. Digital materials produced by government agencies that are at risk of being lost are preserved as part of the program. This network will also be used to act as a backup server in cases where the main server is unavailable. It will also act as a means of restoring lost data.


The Cariniana Network arose from the need to create in the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) a network of digital preservation services for Brazilian electronic documents, with the objective of guaranteeing continuous access in the long term.